Students at Centerville High School choose David Diercks & Kelsey Brue as Homecoming King and Queen. To view pictures of Homecoming go to our events tab and type "CHS-coronation" in for the password.
Congratulations to Cole Huber and Katie Huber on being selected as this years Homecoming King and Queen. The week started out to be cool and rainy, but by parade time on Friday the sun was shining, completing a fun filled week in Viborg. To see photos of Homecoming go to our events tab and type in "Viborg_coronation".
Hurley celebrated its homecoming the first week of Sept. Congratulations to Jake & Tessa Buehler on being crowned King and Queen. Jake and Tessa are twins, so it was a special evening for them. The week was fun filled with all kinds of activities for the kids to get involved in. To check out photos of Homecoming, go to our events tab and type "hhscor" in for the password.
I have been involved in photography for about as long as I can remember. I was five years old when I got my first camera. I ordered it from the Bazooka bubble gum company. Each piece of gum was wrapped in a miniature comic strip. Each comic featured a prize that could be claimed with the points that were earned by purchasing Bazooka bubble gum. To get the camera, I needed twenty-five points. That's a lot of gum to a kid who didn't like Bazooka. With the first roll of film, I took photographs of my grandparents, my dog, and my family. I still have the camera but more importantly, I still have the photographs.